09 September 2020
Adam Fontenot
It has been falsely claimed by many commentators, including some legitimate media sources, that Bernie Sanders does more poorly with black voters than with white voters. This has been used to explain his failing to win the 2016 primary, for example. I argue that this misunderstands the relevant statistics, and that Sanders actually did better with black voters in many states, including South Carolina. The problem comes from ignoring the enormous fraction of white Republicans.
09 September 2020
Adam Fontenot
A short story illustrating principles of random number generation.
09 September 2020
Adam Fontenot
If you play the board game Clue often enough, you will encounter the situation where the first guess made in the game turns out to solve the mystery. This feels like it should be evidence of cheating, but in fact can be shown to be surprisingly common.
22 March 2020
Adam Fontenot
It's more difficult than I expected to validate DNSSEC information locally in your terminal. I figured out how to do it and documented my findings here. Also, it turns out that most software relies on the resolver to do validation for them and will accept invalid data if it's sent to them by the recursive resolver.