20 June 2021
Adam Fontenot
It's rather difficult to solve traveling-salesman type problems using real world locations and data. I was recently in a position where I needed to do so, to provide sample collection routes for a group of research biologists. Here I discuss the solution I came up with, which uses entirely open source methods and software, and provide some code that could be adapted to solve similar problems.
13 January 2021
Adam Fontenot
The video game FEZ contains a puzzle surrounding a broken QR code. I found a way to fix the code through a deep dive into the specification. It turns out that this is not the way that the game creators expected you to solve the puzzle.
16 September 2020
Adam Fontenot
Let's take a deep dive into the way that the adoption of HD digitally shot footage ruined the lighting of a bunch of different television shows, chiefly Battlestar Galactica.
12 September 2020
Adam Fontenot
Bart Ehrman has complex views of the relationship between naturalism and history. I try to develop an understanding of what the view is, and dispute several points.