Adam Fontenot

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LibreOffice 7.4 has a new approach to text rendering

18 August 2022 · Adam Fontenot

After many years of weird text rendering issues in LibreOffice, many problems have now been solved. Let's explore the changes and look at some before / after images.

Statistics-assisted weight loss with pyWeight

11 April 2022 · Adam Fontenot

I lost about 80 pounds on a scientifically credible diet plan I developed myself, using a software program I wrote for the purpose and have open sourced. I discuss the scientific justification behind the program's method and algorithms, and offer other observations around weight loss.

Looking at the distribution of ratings on Goodreads

27 February 2022 · Adam Fontenot

Goodreads is infamous for its terrible book ratings. Supposedly, almost all the ratings are between 3 and 4 stars. I take a look at what the actual range is, and see what could be done to improve them (including a userscript to show the percentile of each book). I also make an argument against using a Dirichlet distribution to model star ratings.

How I defeated Wordle with Python

05 January 2022 · Adam Fontenot

I built a solver for Wordle.

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